Classification and morphology of Watermelon Plants – Watermelon plant has the Latin name "Lanatus Citrullus Tun" comes from Africa. These plants spread to various continents and have these kinds of highly diverse, the plant still has a family with a pumpkin or by the Latin name "Cucurbitaceae" which has a spherical shape oval, green, has a green stripe irregular and also has a skin thick. For more details see the classification and morphology watermelon as follows.
Classification Of Watermelon Plant
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Dilleniidae
Order: Violales
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Genus: Citrullus
Species: Citrullus Lanatus Tub
Watermelon Plant Morphology
Watermelon plant is a plant of the season, grow vines up to 3-4 meters. Having a soft rod, angled, long-haired and reaches 1-5 meters. Leaf watermelon alternate, sessile, and have fur. Leaves about 3-25 cm long with a width of 1.5 to 5 cm. wavy leaf edges and the lower surface of the leaf tightly hatred in his bones.
watermelon plants flowering in the axillary, yellowish. watermelon has 3 types of flower are the male flowers, female flowers, and perfect flowers. In general, watermelon plants have male and female flowers with a proportion ratio of 7: 1.
Watermelon plant has a very varied shape with a length of 20-40 cm, has a diameter of 15-20 cm, weighing 4-20 kg. The plant forms a round, oval, and oval-shaped and even some box.
Watermelon has a very thick skin, flesh and slippery. Watermelon flesh is white if it is still easy and when ripe the color to red, yellow and other also depends on the variety. Meat watermelon plant contains a lot of water and has a sweet taste. These plants have seeds of black, white and yellow and brown and even there is a watermelon without seeds.