Saturday, November 17, 2018

Noni | Fruit Benefits for Better Life
This plant grows in the lowlands to an altitude of 1500 m
Noni | Fruit Benefits for Better Life - Noni (Morinda citrifolia) or keumeudee (Aceh); Noni, then, must (Java); cangkudu (Sunda); Kodhuk (Madura); tibah (Bali) originated from Southeast Asia, belonging to the family Rubiaceae. Other names for this plant are noni (Hawaii), nono (Tahiti), nonu (Tonga), ungcoikan (Myanmar) and ach (Hindi).

This plant grows in the lowlands to an altitude of 1500 m. The height of the noni tree reaches 3–8 m, has white humped flowers. The fruit is a compound fruit, the young are shiny green and have dots, and when they are old they are white with black spots.

Traditionally, the people of Aceh used Noni fruit as a vegetable and salad. The leaves are also used as one of the ingredients of traditional food which often appears as a mandatory iftar menu. Therefore, noni is often planted near homes in rural areas in Aceh. Besides noni is also often used as a medicinal ingredient.

Origin | Noni Fruit Benefits for Better Life

The origin of Noni is inseparable from the existence of the Polynesians who settled in the Pacific Ocean Islands

The origin of Noni is inseparable from the existence of the Polynesians who settled in the Pacific Ocean Islands. Polynesians are believed to be from (Southeast Asia). In 100 BC, famous nations dared to wander. Without a clear reason they crossed the ocean leaving their homeland. There was the impression that the wanderers were disappointed by something and the intention was to distance themselves from their previous lives. After long wandering, they arrived around Polynesia, an archipelago around the South Pacific. The adventurers immediately fell in love when they saw the beautiful scenery, beach conditions, and islands.

Noni | Fruit Benefits for Better Life - Uniquely, they seemed to have prepared themselves to move to another island. This can be proven by the presence of a number of plants and animals that were brought along, because it was considered important to maintain life. Some native plants, such as bananas, taro, sweet potatoes, breadfruit, sugar cane, and noni, were brought in. Among those who were brought, there were still a form of cuttings and shoots. One of the plants, namely Noni, is considered sacred. Since 1500 years ago the islanders who are now called Hawaii know noni as noni. They suspect that the plant called Latin Morinda citrifolia has many benefits. They see it as a Hawaii magic plant, because this fruit is believed to be able to treat various diseases.

General characteristics

  • Tree

Noni trees are not very large, between 4–6 m tall. bent-bent stem, stiff, rough, and has a taproot that is embedded in. Gray-brown or yellowish-brown bark, shallow, not hairy, four-branched. The headers are always green throughout the year. Noni wood is easily split after drying. Can be used to support pepper plants.

  • Leaves

Shiny thick leaves. Noni leaves are located face to face. The size of the leaves is large, thick and single. The shape is jorong-lanset, measuring 15-50 x 5-17 cm. flat leaf edges, short pointed edges. The base of the leaf is shaped like a peg. Pinnate leaf veins. Shiny white color, not hairy. Short leaf base, measuring 0.5-2.5 cm. The size of the foliage varies, in the form of a wide triangle. Noni leaves can be eaten as vegetables. High nutritional value because many contain vitamin A. which is said to cure ambein.

  • Flower

The flower blooms from a petal shaped like a bunch. The flowers are white, fragrant

The flowers are arranged in a pluralistic, round-shaped type of inflorescence, stemmed from 1 to 4 cm, growing in the armpit of the foliage which faces the leaves that grow normally. Pansy flowers, white flower crowns, funnel-shaped, can reach 1.5 cm in length. Stamen stuck in the mouth of the crown. The pistil head is shooting two. The flower blooms from a petal shaped like a bunch. The flowers are white, fragrant.

  • Fruit

Compound fruit, formed from fruiting that is fused and humped inside; fruit development gradually follows the process of flower expansion which starts from the end of the hump to the base; 7.5–10 cm in diameter. The surface of a compound fruit is divided into speckled and warty polygonal (multilevel) barriers, which originate from the rest of its single fruiting fruit. Green when thick, before cooking it becomes yellowish white, and finally pale white when cooking. Soft fruit flesh, composed of pyramid-shaped fruits with white flesh, is formed from mesocarp. Fruit flesh contains a lot of water which smells like rotten cheese or goat odor that arises because of mixing between capric acid (fatty acids with ten carbon atoms) am kaproat (C6), and caprylic acid (C8). It is suspected that the last two compounds are active antibiotics.

Noni Nutritional Content

The content of noni fruit is very good for the body, some of which are as follows:
  • 1. Terpenoid Substance

The content of terpenoids in noni helps the organic synthesis process which is useful for the recovery of body cells.

  • 2. Nutrition content

Protein, vitamins and minerals that are important in full are obtained from Noni fruit. Antioxidants named selenium found in noni fruit is one of the great types of antioxidants.

  • 3. Anti-bacterial substances
These substances kill the bacteria that cause infection (for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Morganii Protestants, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis). The benefits of Noni fruit are also useful for controlling deadly bacteria such as Pathogen. This makes Noni fruit kill bacteria that can cause infection. The following are various kinds of bacteria that can be killed using Noni fruit:
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- E coli
- Bacillus subtilis
- Morganii Protests
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Salmonella
- S.typhi
- Scotman
- Shigella dusenteriae
- S.pradysenteriae
  • 4. Anti-cancer substances
The content of anti-cancer substances in Noni fruit is very effective against abnormal cells, which makes the emergence of cancer symptoms.

  • 5. Nutrition

Noni has many nutrients in it. In general, Noni is a fruit that provides complete nutrition. The following are various kinds of nutrients in Noni fruit:
- Protein.
- Vitamins.
- Enough minerals. Minerals are in the fruit and also Noni leaves.
- Selenium. Selenium is a mineral that functions as a high antioxidant.
- Compound. In noni there are also various kinds of active compounds. Compounds in noni fruit are steroid plants, alizarin, lycine, caprylic acid, socium, proxeronine, anther quinines, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium.

  • 6. Scolopetin
Scolopetin is a kind of beneficial compound to repel inflammation and allergies.
  • 7. Xeronine and Proxeronine
  • 8. Bioactive substances
  • 9. Iridoids
  • 10. Fiber
  • 11.Metil
  • 12.Asetil
  • 13.Morindone
  • 14.Kapril Acid

Characteristics of Noni Plants

Traditionally, the people of Aceh used Noni fruit as a vegetable and salad

Noni | Fruit Benefits for Better Life - In order not to be deceived by other plants or plants, we should know the characteristics of noni plants. The following are the characteristics of Noni or Noni plants:
  • - Tree

The physical characteristics of the stem noni tree are not too large as well as too high. It's only 4-6 meters high. The branches of the noni tree are stiff, their roots are rugged and have rough branches. The color of the chocolate bar is near grayish.

  • - Leaves

Leaves from a thick leafy noni tree. Noni leaves are located face to face. The leaves are wide and large. The edges of the leaves are flat.

  • - Flower

Flowers from compound noni plants, round flowers. Noni flowers are 4 cm long. Noni flower is named a pansy fruit, with white flower crown, its shape resembles a funnel and has a length of 1.5 cm. There are stamens and stuck in the mouth of the crown. The pistons of noni flowers are two.

Benefits of Noni

The benefits of Noni fruit can improve health, substance and nutrients that make the Noni fruit has a variety of properties for health. The following are various kinds of properties obtained from consuming Noni or Noni.
  • 1. Relieves headaches

Since long ago many used Noni as a pain reliever (analgesic). An analgesic content of 75% defeats morphine sulfate to reduce pain.

  • 2. Reducing high blood pressure

For those of you who have hypertension or high blood pressure it is better to use Noni fruit to reduce blood pressure to normal. The method can be consumed directly by peeling the skin or you can by boiling it. The xeronine content in noni fruit is useful for normalizing one's blood pressure. Substances of phytonutrients Scopoletin useful to dilate blood vessels, to lower blood pressure. So the performance of the heart does not beat too hard to pump blood.

  • 3. Promotes digestion

Consuming noni regularly can also facilitate digestion. Diseases such as flatulence, vomiting, small intestinal injuries and inflammation of the stomach can be treated with noni fruit. The fiber content in noni fruit is beneficial for digestion. The trick is to consume noni fruit before taking a large portion of food.

  • 4. Anti implamation

Benefits of Noni fruit which has anti-inflammatory properties that have been proven to prevent inflammation. Also decreases the risk of heart disease symptoms.

  • 5. Improve the immune system

The content of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, peptides and enzymes contained in noni improves the body's immune system. Natural antioxidants, vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 are needed by the body to ward off free radicals. Vitamin C which is in noni fruit can also be useful to increase the immune system in the body so that various types of diseases cannot enter the body. People with low immune systems can easily get sick.

  • 6. Anti-bacterial

In the noni fruit, there are also anti-bacterial properties contained in anthraquinone and stunned compounds, nourishing the skin from attacks by parasites and fungi that cause skin diseases.

  • 7. Helps reduce cholesterol

Dyslipidemia is an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood which is a major factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. A team of Pakistani-Saudi researchers used water extract and ethanol based on Noni fruit, leaves and roots to treat laboratory mice in which dyslipidemia was induced. They suggested that all three extracts could significantly reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in animals that had dyslipidemia induced through the administration of a high-fat diet. The results of the study were published in the 2010 edition of "Lipids in Health and Disease."

The xeronine and proxeronine substances can treat the bad cholesterol content in the body. To treat cholesterol, you can boil the noni fruit and drink the cooking water regularly.
8. Prevent cancer
Research has stated that the presence of 2-methoxy-1,3,6-trihydroxyanthraquinone compounds in noni fruit is good for preventing cell DNA damage that causes cancer symptoms and is good for maintaining healthy cells in the body.

Noni or noni has a high anti-oxidant. All foods and herbal medicines that have high antioxidants are useful for preventing cancer cells and the spread of cancer cells in the body.

  • 9. Treat gout

Gout should not be underestimated. Gout can cause various chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and many other diseases. Gout is characterized by cramps at night, feet feel cold and many more. Iridoid substances in Noni or Noni fruit can be useful for treating gout.

  • 10. Treat diabetes

Proxeronine is a substance that can be useful for treating diabetes. Both dry diabetes and wet diabetes. Diabetes must be treated immediately, because it is very dangerous if wet diabetes is injured. The wound can infect the organs around it. So that the amputation process must be done.

  • 11. Treating goiter

Mumps is caused by a swollen thyroid gland. The method of treatment using Noni fruit is very easy, namely by reducing salt consumption and using Noni fruit necklace that is still thick. Besides consuming Noni or Noni regularly can reduce the tyorid glands in the neck.

  • 12. Prevent free radicals

Free radicals can affect skin and health. Now there are many free radicals around us. To ward off free radicals, it is necessary to consume noni fruit regularly. You can consume herbal medicines from noni juice or consume noni directly. Bioactive substances in noni can be used to ward off free radicals.

  • 13. Blood circulation

Noni or Noni is useful for blood circulation. Scopoletin substances can be useful for blood circulation. That is because scopeletin substances can dilate blood vessels. Wide blood vessels can promote blood circulation in the body.

  • 14. Treating infections

Infection can be caused by various types of bacteria that are in the body. Antibacterial substances in noni fruit are useful for removing bacteria that can make infection more severe. In addition to killing bacteria, anti-bacterial substances are useful for controlling bacteria in the body.

  • 15. Put on a cough

Coughing can be caused by bacteria and viruses around us. Consuming noni fruit can be useful to relieve coughs and eliminate coughing. Anti-bacterial substances in the noni fruit are useful for relieving itching and killing germs and diseases that are in the throat. The methods are as follows:
- Boil two cooked noni fruits
- Mix with half the leaves
- Boil using two glasses of water until boiling
- Leave only one glass
- Strain the water, then drink the water twice a day
- First time will make the itching in the throat disappear, then coughing will subside over time.

  • 16. Eliminate jaundice

Yellow pain can be characterized by yellowing body parts, decreased body weight, wrinkled skin and many others. Research shows the fact that noni can be useful for relieving jaundice experienced by sufferers. The way to make it is as follows:
- Prepare two Noni fruits that have been cooked and remove the smell
- Smooth noni and squeeze noni
- Insert honey in noni juice
- Mix well
- Drink three times a day.

  • 17. Cure inflammation of the intestine

Someone who experiences inflammation of the intestine can be cured using Noni or Noni. Scolopetin substances in noni fruit are useful to relieve inflammation and wounds in the intestine.

  • 18. Treat gastric inflammation

Gastric inflammation has the same characteristics as stomach ulcers. The stomach will be sore and twisted. To treat gastric inflammation, you can use scolopetin which is in the noni content. The trick is to boil the noni fruit together with noni leaves. Drink regularly three times a day until inflammation recovers.

  • 19. Treat food poisoning

People who are exposed to food poison can be relieved using Noni. That is because in noni substances there are anti-bacterial substances that can neutralize bacteria that are in toxic food. Toxic foods can be caused by expired foods and foods that are processed using ingredients that are not hygienic. The characteristics of food poisoning people are:
- Pale face
- Dizzy
- Mual and vomiting
- Stomach ache
- Defecation continuously

  • 20. Inflammation of the throat

Sore throat is characterized by a sore feeling in the throat caused by wounds and infections in the throat. This inflammation can be treated using noni. The content of scolopetin in the noni fruit can treat inflammation in the throat.

  • 21. Bronchitis

Bronchitis can be treated using noni. The content of anti-bacterial substances in noni fruit is useful to prevent bacteria that enter the lungs and kill bacteria that are in the lungs. Consuming noni regularly can eliminate bacteria in the lungs so that bronchitis will improve.

  • 22. Treat skin inflammation

Skin inflammation can be characterized by a reddish tone on the surface of the skin. Scolopetin substances in noni fruit can treat the inflammation of the skin that you are suffering from.

  • 23. Treat toothache

Antibiotics can be replaced using Noni. That is because in noni there are anti-bacterial substances that can make toothache subside and disappear due to the bacteria that causes toothache has been removed.

  • 24. Treat burns

Burns can happen to anyone. When burned, skin cells become damaged. Therefore for healing, damaged cells must be renewed. Noni can be used to treat burns. That is because in Noni there is a terpenoid substance that can restore damaged cells in the body.

  • 25. Cure ulcers

Ulcers can be cured using Noni. Anti-bacterial Zan in Noni can be used to treat ulcers. The trick is to grate noni and stick it to the ulcer.

  • 26. Treating dysentery

Decentri caused by Shigella dusenteriae bacteria. These bacteria can be killed using Noni. Anti-bacterial substances in noni fruit can treat dysentery by killing the bacteria that causes the dysentery.

  • 27. Overcome diarrhea

Salmonella and e colli bacteria are types of bacteria that can cause a person to get diarrhea. Diarrhea can be cured by noni because the noni content has anti-bacterial substances. Antibacterial substances can kill salmonella / e colli bacteria and treat diarrhea.

  • 28. Increase energy

The protein in noni fruit is useful for producing energy in the body. Besides being able to increase noni energy, it is well known that it is very important to help reduce the feeling of weakness.

  • 29. Reduces pain

Noni is an analgesic so that it can reduce pain. Analgesics are useful for relieving headaches. Joint pain can be treated using this drug. Noni has 75 percent analgesic substances. People affected by joint pain can be treated using noni with morphine sulfate properties in noni fruit.

  • 30.Damaman deman

Fever can also be removed and treated using noni. How to treat fever using noni is as follows:
- Take one noni fruit
- Mix with grated kencur
- Boil the two ingredients
- Use two cups of water and leave only one glass
- Kemudia filter the water, Drink the boiled water regularly.

  • 31. Treating tumors

Benign tumors can be treated using Noni. Noni is an antioxidant that can shrink tumors and fight tumor cells in the body.

  • 32. Remove scaly skin

For women who want to have smooth and moist skin, can use Noni fruit. Noni fruit can also soften the skin. The methods are as follows:
- Peel the noni fruit
- Large slices of noni fruit
- The flesh of the noni fruit scaly skin can be smeared
- Let stand for a maximum of 10 minutes
- Drink the clean cloth in warm water
- The part smeared with Noni is cleaned using a cloth that has been dipped in warm water
- Do it regularly

  • 33. Healthy bones

Noni fruit has a substance in the form of methyl, acetyl, capril acid, morindone which is useful to increase bones and increase bone density in the body. People whose bones are solid and will avoid various kinds of bone diseases. For example bone loss or osteoporosis and many others.

  • 34. Cure hemorrhoids

The content in the noni fruit and noni leaves is useful for curing hemorrhoid disease. How to treat it is very easy, decoction of noni fruit is mixed with the leaves. How to make:
- Boil noni leaves and fruit with two cups of water and leave only one glass
- After that, the cooking water regularly
- Ambeien is also increasingly light with fiber content in the noni fruit, so that the digestion of hemorrhoid sufferers will be smooth and avoid constipation.

In addition, there are also more than 14 types of health and prevention.

Side Effects of Noni Fruit

The content of terpenoids in noni helps the organic synthesis process which is useful for the recovery of body cells

Noni fruit may be safe when it comes to the recommended amount of consumption. But there are concerns when consuming Noni fruit for treatment, which may be in unsafe quantities.

Special Warning for Noni Consumption:
  • 1. Pregnant and lactating mothers

Avoid noni fruit during pregnancy because it is often used for abortion. Similarly, when breastfeeding, it is necessary to avoid consuming noni fruit, because it is not enough to know about noni fruit during breastfeeding.

  • 2. Kidney problems

The content of noni fruit is quite large in potassium. This can be problematic, especially for people who have kidney disease. Noni do not consume if you have kidney problems.

  • 3. Liver disease

Noni fruit is a number of cases of liver damage. Avoid consuming Noni, if you have liver dysfunction.

Noni fruit, leaves, flowers, stems, bark and even widely used as herbal medicine media. The effectiveness of this fruit has not been proven. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) even has several colors to produce herbs from Noni, which claim that health is not supported by facts. So that we as consumers, we must choose a treatment that is truly safe.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

12 Benefits of Jicama and Side Effects for Health | Fruits Benefits For Better Life
fruit has the Latin name Pachyrhizus erosus and in English it is called Jicama.

Benefits of Jicama and Side Effects for Health - Who doesn't know about this one? This fruit often appears in advertisements, especially for cosmetics or skin moisturizers.

This fruit has the Latin name Pachyrhizus erosus and in English it is called Jicama. Jicama was first discovered in the United States and Mexico, then from Mexico it was spread to the Philippines. From the Philippines, this fruit then spread to China, only after that was distributed to Southeast Asia.

In addition to being eaten raw / fresh, yam can also be processed as soup, fruit salad, some other dishes. Not only the fruit, the roots of the yam plant also have health benefits.

Benefits of Jicama for health

Jicama plants turned out to be very good in peat soil.

Jicama is noted to have several health benefits, ranging from lightening the skin, increasing the immune system, preventing osteoporosis and various other benefits described below.

  • 1. Brighten the skin

Jicama has long been used to brighten the skin. There are various products to brighten the skin, usually there are yam in it.

Jicama contains vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant which can counteract a variety of free radicals that attack the skin and keep the skin bright.

  • 2. Boosts the immune system

Vitamin C is useful in lightening the skin, but also to improve the immune system. From 100 grams, there is a vitamin C content of about 24% of what is needed.

Vitamin C helps the production of white blood which plays a role in the immune system. With this, the process of resistance to viruses, bacteria and pathogens that attack the body will become easier. The body will also be resistant to seasonal diseases such as flu, runny nose and cough.
Jicama Guacamole

  • 3. Regulates blood pressure

One of the benefits of yeast for health is regulating blood pressure. This is important for people who have high blood pressure.
Potassium content in jicama fruit plays a role in regulating blood pressure to be normal. Potassium will make blood vessels and arteries relax. In addition, potassium can also neutralize the effects of sodium, so that the level of fluid in the body is maintained and balanced.

  • 4. Prevent osteoporosis

Calcium is an important mineral that must be possessed by the body, especially to maintain bone health and strength. Jicama is one of the fruits that contain enough calcium for bone health. Eating yam can help prevent osteoporosis.

  • 5. Lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels

One way to reduce cholesterol levels is to eat fruits that contain lots of fiber, one of which is jicama. Soluble fiber in yam reduces cholesterol levels and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
Stuffed Cal Avo Jicama 1half blue-1

  • 6. Helps facilitate digestion

Jicama fruit in addition to containing enough fiber also contains a lot of water. The combination of both is highly recommended in dealing with various digestive problems. By consuming jicama will make the body avoid digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation.

  • 7. Lowers homocysteine ​​levels

Homocysteine ​​is closely related to heart and kidney disease. Jicama fruit has anti-homocysteine ​​properties, keeping your heart and kidneys healthy. By consuming jicama fruits can reduce homocysteine levels up to 11%.
Xec Jicama and Citrus Salad

  • 8. Helps lose weight

Trying to lose weight? Try to eat jicama fruit. This fruit contains a lot of water and fiber, but it is also low in calories. The body will avoid fat, but still feel full for a long time.

  • 9. Counteracting various free radicals

Jicama fruit is also useful in counteracting various free radicals. This is thanks to the anti-oxidant content in this fruit. Anti-oxidants are important in counteracting various free radical attacks that can cause disease or even cancer.
Jicama Asparagus Salad

  • 10. Prevents anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the body lacks red blood cells, the effect of a deficiency of red blood cells is reduced oxygen supply to various organs of the body, including oxygen supply to the brain. As a result the body will become weak and easily dizzy.

Jicama fruit contains iron which can be useful in helping to prevent anemia, by helping to produce the red blood cells needed by the body.

  • 11. Increases body metabolism

Jicama contains B complex vitamins such as pyridoxine, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid and thiamin which are needed for the body's metabolism and help the absorption of nutrients needed by the body and increase the amount of energy.

  • 12. Good for pregnant women

In addition to the various benefits above, jicama can also be beneficial for pregnant women. Jicama contains a number of folate needed during pregnancy and helps maintain fetal development. This also prevents birth defects in babies.
Nutritional content of jicama

Side effects of Jicama

Excessive consumption of this fruit can cause nerve disorders or even damage.

Noted many side effects caused by consuming this fruit. Plant roots and fruit contents can be eaten, but the remaining parts cannot be eaten or used.

Excessive consumption of this fruit can cause nerve disorders or even damage. Therefore, consumption is sufficient.

That is the various benefits and side effects of yeast for body health. By consuming jicama clearly gives many benefits to the body, as long as it is not excessive.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

JRM 2012 New Varieties of Citrus (Tangerines) | Sweet and Hold Up to 60 Days - Indonesia's Natural Wealth
JRM 2012 tangerines are an innovation of Balitjestro (Balitbangtan - Indonesia). This Research and Development of Orange Citrus Varieties Able to Survive up to 60 Days.
JRM 2012 New Varieties of Citrus (Tangerines) - Almost tens of kilograms of oranges were piled up at a supermarket in Malang, East Java Province. However, on the fifth day around 100 kg of oranges were sold out. Consumers invade bright orange, smooth and shiny orange. As soon as the harvest until the fourth day, the orange flavor of JRM-2012 - the name of the new orange - was rather sour.

JRM 2012 Sweet and Hold Up to 60 Days

However, on the fifth day, the orange flavor was sweet. The sweetness level of fruit on the fifth day postpartum reaches 14 ° briks. That is why the supermarket is asking for JRM-2012's orange supply back. Many consumers are indeed looking for JRM-2012 oranges. In addition to sweet, medium-sized tangerine-weight of an average of 120 grams per fruit-it is also durable. The oranges can survive 60 days at room temperature. Because, the pores of JRM fruit skin are relatively tight and the skin of the fruit is quite thick.
JRM-2012 new oranges are sweet up to 140 briks and hold two months.


Two months after storage showed that the fruit condition was still good, the color of the reddish orange flesh, the skin remained smooth, and was still suitable for consumption. Because it can last 60 days, of course it can suppress price fluctuations. Another plus, the fruit epidermis is very soft so it can be swallowed with fruit flesh. Besides that, there are apitan fruit, later fruit after a big harvest. Production of 2.5-year-old trees averages 15-20 kg per tree. Unfortunately, supply is still limited. JRM's orange supply came from 30 orange trees JRM-2012 collection of Citrus and Subtropical Research Institute (Balitjestro) in Batu City, East Java Province.

JRM 2012 New Varieties of Citrus

this girl poses on the new JRM-2012 Orange tree whose fruit is still young.

The name JRM actually refers to Jestro, the name of the institution stands for orange and subtropical plants. As for the letter M mandarin acronym, the international term for tangerines. However, JRM-2012 was not from Mandarin, but from Australia. Growers in Queensland, Australia, developed it because it is of high commercial value because of its large size, attractive colors and stable quality. Economic potential is also one of the benefits of JRM orange that supports national fruit production.

Planters can plant JRM-2012 citrus with a population of 400 plants per ha and produce fruit first at the age of 2.5 years, which is 20 kg per tree. With a selling price of Rp 7,500 per kilogram alone, the farmer's turnover is Rp 60 million per year. The income doubled with age.

In fact, JRM prices in supermarkets reached Rp. 15,000 per kg. While the selling price of other oranges was only Rp 10,000 per kg. With these various advantages, the government finally released JRM into a national superior variety in 2014 in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia number 040 / Kpts / SR.1201D.2.7 / 6/2014. JRM oranges are suitable for consumers in Indonesia who like sweet oranges.

Almost all consumers of tangerines in Indonesia like sweetness. However, some of the upper middle class people want high vitamin C so that the sweet taste of JRM varieties is the right choice. The Research Institute for Citrus and Subtropical Plants, Arry Supriyanto, brought the varieties of entres in 1987. He then planted them in pots in the screen house of the Punten experimental garden, Batu City, East Java.


JRM-2012 collection at Tlekung Experimental Garden, Agricultural Research and Development Agency.

Oranges require special environmental conditions to produce maximum. Climate (temperature, sunlight, rainfall) and soil physical properties are environmental factors that are very difficult to control. However, in general JRM-2012 grew well in areas with temperatures of 22-300C. In Indonesia, the condition is located in a mediumland up to 1,100 meters above sea level. The new variety is suitable to be planted in dry climates until wet, optimum rainfall is 1,500-2,500 mm per year with dry months (less than 60 mm) 3-4 months in a row.

The 5-8-hectare soil is suitable for cultivating JRM-2012 citrus. The newcomer grew up on dry or wet land. The ideal groundwater level is 75% to meet the needs in the critical period, namely new growth, flowering, and fertilization. It is better to use the seedlings produced by the grafting or grafting propagation. JRM-2012 variety of grape buds (entres) in the JC stem-stem aged 6-8 months (ready for oculate. Grafting seedlings ready for planting at 4-5 months. Plant spacing of 4 mx 4 m or 3.5 mx 4 m depending on fertility soil.

The planting hole is 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm. Cultivating on rocky soil, digging must be deeper. Balitjestro recommends the use of plastic mulch to prevent weeds that interfere with the availability of nutrients for plants. The right time to plant JRM-2012 citrus seeds at the beginning of the rainy season November-December. Moreover, planting on dry land with limited water availability.
Display of JRM 2012 citrus (tangerine fruit).

Planting can also be towards the end of the rainy season. The condition is that the planters must be ready to water so that the plant growth is not disturbed The roots of young plants only 50 cm have not been able to utilize water in the deeper layers of the soil, especially in the dry season. Therefore sufficient and regular irrigation during the dry season is very important to help growth and prevent the death of young plants.

Meanwhile water management in adult plants to regulate flowering needs to reduce water (stress) until the leaves roll and then fertilized and watered, so naturally the plants simultaneously flower and bear fruit. JRM-2012 oranges need balanced nutrition to produce optimal production. The new variety starts to bear fruit at the age of 2-2.5 years. Sometimes fruiting ages go back 0.5-1 years due to plants prioritizing vegetative growth. That's usually because plants get enough fertilizer and groundwater conditions are guaranteed. The fruit is ready to harvest when it is 6-7 months after the flower blooms.
The physical appearance of JRM 2012 is similar to mandarin oranges.

Farmers in Batu and Malang City also cultivate oranges in pots or drums. They take care of the plants to bear fruit so that they are more dirty. With excellent appearance, farmers are easy to sell orange trees planted in pots. JRM 2012 also has the potential to be planted in pots because it has open branches so it is more beautiful. Until now Balitjestro-limited production of seeds to get feedback from farmers and prevent the spread of uncontrolled seedlings. (Emi Budiyati, researcher at the Research Institute for Citrus and Subtropical Fruits, Agency for Agricultural Research and Development).

Source : 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

10 Melon | Benefits For Better Life
The fruit is usually eaten fresh as a table fruit or sliced ​​as a fruit ice mixture.
Melon | Benefits For Better Life - Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is the name of the fruit as well as the plant that produces it, which belongs to the pumpkin-labuan or Cucurbitaceae. The fruit is usually eaten fresh as a table fruit or sliced ​​as a fruit ice mixture. The part eaten is fruit flesh (mesocarp). The texture is soft, white to red, depending on the cultivar.

Seasonal plants, propagate but spread, do not climb. Leaf shaped with a curvature of moderate so that it is like an angular circle. The stem is usually not woody. This plant is home to one with two types of flowers: male flowers and hermaphrodites. Male flowers appear usually when the plants are young or if they grow poorly. Pepo type fruit. The mesocarp part thickens into juicy flesh. breeding is directed at thick, sweet, and if possible, fragrant fruit flesh.

Melon is very diverse, especially seen from the shape of the fruit. There are two subspecies and ten cultivar groups ('cultivar group') in this species:
- Subscription melo
- Muskmelon (Reticulatus)
- Cantaloupe (Cantalupensis)
- Casaba (Inodorus)
- Pocketmelon (Dudaim)
- Snakemelon (Flexuosus)
- Chate (Adzhur)
- Tibish
This fruit contains collagen which can tighten skin tissue.
Agricultural subspecies
- Snapmelon (Momordica, Adiculus)
- Oriental pickling (Conomon)
- Makuwa

The three most popular ones are Cantalupensis (which includes cantaloupe, true European cantaloupe), Reticulatus (melon commonly known, the skin of the fruit is usually "meshed"), and Inodorus (honeydew melon, which is oval in shape with wrinkled skin). There is one other group whose fruit is also eaten, Dudaim.

Nutritional Content of Melon Fruit

Benefits of Melon Fruit for Health

Melon | Benefits For Better Life - Amazingly delicious with rich flavors, melon is very low in calories (100 g of fruit has only 34 calories) and fat. Nevertheless, this fruit is rich in various minerals that promote polyphenol plants derived from compounds, vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal health.

The following are various benefits of melon for the health of the body and to avoid various diseases that exist in our body.

  • 1. Maintain eye health

This fruit is a very good source of vitamin A, (100 g provides 3382 IU or about 112% of the recommended daily level) one of the highest among cucurbita fruits. Vitamin-A is a powerful antioxidant and is very important for healthy vision. This is also needed to maintain the health of the mucosa and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A is known to help protect against cancer of the oral cavity and oral cavity.
Melon is a fruit that is very popular with all circles. Because melon has a sweet and delicious taste, suitable for eating at any time.
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Benefits Melon fruit can also nourish the eyes, this fruit is enriched with the content of beta-carotene which is useful for improving visual acuity and maintaining eye health. Beta-carotene will be converted by the body into vitamin A and used to improve improving eye function.

  • 2. Protect cells and other structures in the body from free radicals

Melon is also rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin. This antioxidant has the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen-free radicals and hence; offers protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic cancers.

  • 3. Rich in Antioxidants

The total antioxidant power of melon oxygen radicals (ORAC) melon melon capacity is 315 μmol TE / 100 g. The melon value is 241 μmol TE / 100 g.

  • 4. Protect Eyes from Macular Degeneration

Zeaxanthin, an important carotenoid diet, is absorbed selectively into the macular lutea retina in the eye where it is thought to provide antioxidant and protective UV light filtering function. This, thus, offers eye protection from age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) in the elderly.

  • 5. Prevent Stroke

Melon is a source of electrolytes, ideal potassium. 100 g of fruit gives 267 mg of this electrolyte. Potassium is a very important element of cell and body fluids and helps management vital sign and pressure level. Thus offering protection against coronary heart disease and stroke.
this girl is very happy to pick melon when the harvest arrives
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In addition to being effective in preventing some of the most dangerous diseases, the adenosine content of melons is also able to prevent and stop the circulation of blood cells which can result in heart attacks and even stroke. How it works is by way of smoothing the circulation of red blood cells which can reduce heart attacks and strokes.

  • 6. Eradicate Free Radicals

This fruit also contains moderate B complex vitamins, such as niacin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin C, and minerals such as manganese. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the human body develop resistance to infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals. The human body uses manganese as a cofactor for antioxidant enzymes and superoxide dismutase. Commercially, muskmelon is used to extract the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which plays an important role as a defense of first-line antioxidants in the human body.

Melon is also very rich in antioxidant flavonoids such as beta-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin and cryptoxanthin. This antioxidant has the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from free radicals. This ability can help in the protection of the large intestine, prostate, breast, endometrium, lung, and pancreatic cancer. But not only for dangerous diseases the benefits of antioxidants are also good for other body parts.

  • 7. Prevent Cancer

There are many fruits and herbs that can prevent cancer, one of which is melon. How can melons eradicate and prevent cancer? the answer is in CAROTENOID content. Keep in mind, Carotenoids are pigments that function as color providers for fruits and vegetables. High carotenoid content in these fruits can prevent cancer attacks, especially symptoms of lung cancer and symptoms of breast cancer.

  • 8. Relieve Heartburn

Heartburn sometimes comes from the food we consume, melon has a water content of up to 90% giving a calming effect. Therefore, melon is very useful to relieve heartburn and heartburn.
This creation requires patience, thoroughness and high skills to produce amazing works of art.
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  • 9. Healthy skin

Melons contain collagen, these substances are protein compounds that affect the integrity of cell structures in all skin tissues. Collagen works to accelerate wound healing and maintain skin firmness. It is recommended that frequent consumption of melon will make the skin not dull and look smooth.
  • 10. Lose Weight

Melon is one type of fruit that is very suitable for people who want to lose weight because they have a low sodium content, fat free, cholesterol free and low in calories. Besides that, the effect of eating melon will make you full and delay / reduce hunger because the water content is very high.
Nutrient Content of Melon Fruit
Per 177g
Amino Acids
Protein 1.5 g (3%)
Tryptophan 3.5 mg
Threonine 30.1 mg
Isoleucine 37.2 mg
Leusin 51.3 mg
Lysine 53.1 mg
Methionine 21.2 mg
Cystine 3.5 mg
Phenylalanine 40.7 mg
Tyrosine 24.8 mg
Valin 58.4 mg
Arginine 51.3 mg
Histidine 26.5 mg
Alanine 168 mg
Aspartic acid 241 mg
Glutamic acid 370 mg
Glycine 46.0 mg
Prolin 33.6 mg
Serine 74.3 mg
Nutrient Content of Melon Fruit
Per 177g
Vitamin Vitamin A 5987 IU (120%)
Retinol activity equals 299 mcg
Alpha Carotene 28.3 mcg
Beta carotene 3575 mcg
Cryptoxanthin Beta 1.8 mcg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin 46.0 mcg
Vitamin C 65.0 mg (108%)
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) 0.1 mg (0%)
Tokoarium gamma 0.2 mg
Vitamin K 4.4 mcg (6%)
Thiamin 0.1 mg (5%)
Riboflavin 0. mg (2%)
Niacin 1.3 mg (6%)
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg (6%)
Folate 37.2 mcg (9%)
Food Folate 37.2 mcg
Folic acid 0.0 mcg
Folate Assets Equivalent 37.2 mcg
Pantothenic acid 0.2 mg (2%)
Choline 13.5 mg
Betaine 0.2 mg

Tips for Serving Melon Fruit

You can serve melon in various forms as below:
- Can be eaten directly after slicing
- Ice Fruit is made with a combination of sugar and syrup
- Can be in juice
- And can be served as a food cover
juice made from melon is healthy and refreshing
Avocado | Benefits For Better Life
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Tips for using melons for diet:
- Provide melons regularly at home
- Get night snacks with melon consumption
- Take one or two pieces of melon before eating (so you don't eat too much)

Melon | Benefits For Better Life - The benefits of fruit for the health of the human body are the most important. Fruit is an additional supplement that is very important for the function of organs in the human body. By consuming fruit we will be happy to be healthy and get a fit body fit. Let's get used to eating fruit from now on.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

18 Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Papaya (Carica papaya L.), or betik is a plant that originates in southern Mexico and the northern part of South America.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life - The most effective benefits of papaya fruit are to smooth digestion and defecate, but did you know that papaya stores thousands of other benefits. Papaya is a type of fruit plant that is very much maintained. Papaya fruit is delicious to be enjoyed in any atmosphere. From young papaya to cooked ones, it can be enjoyed as a culinary delicacy. Behind it all, papaya is indeed well consumed because its properties are also abundant.

Nutritional Content of Papaya Fruit

Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
beautiful sliced papaya fruit creations
One medium-sized papaya fruit, contains about 120 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrates (in which there are 5 grams of fiber and 18 grams of sugar) and 2 grams of protein. Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C and one papaya, providing 224% of daily needs.
Other papaya contents consist of :
- Folat
- Vitamin A
- Magnesium
- Copper
- Pantothenic acid
- Fiber
- Vitamin B
- Alpha
- Beta carotene
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthan
- Vitamin E
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Vitamin K
- Lycopene

Benefits of Papaya for Health

Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Beauty According to Dermatologist

The benefits of papaya for health are very important especially to improve the immune system of the human body. Consuming fruits and vegetables of various types, has long been associated with a reduced risk of various health conditions related to lifestyle. Many studies have shown that increased consumption of plant foods such as papaya, reduces health risks, even supports skin beauty as follows:
  • 1. Anti-inflammatory

Benefits of papaya for people with arthritis, osteoporosis, edama can relieve pain due to the anti-inflammatory enzymes contained in papaya. The enzyme also has cancer-preventing properties.

  • 2. Strengthens the immune system

Vitamin C and vitamin A are produced in the body. The beta carotene compounds found in papaya are needed to boost the immune system from within. Therefore, papaya may be a healthy choice of fruit to prevent diseases such as infections, colds, flu and relieve fever.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
the benefits of papaya juice can inhibit the growth of dangerous cancer cells, especially the type of breast cancer.

  • 3. Healthy bones

Lack of vitamin K intake is associated with a higher risk of fractures. It is important to consume papaya fruit, to meet the need for vitamin K for good bone health. Because it acts in changing bone matrix proteins, increases calcium absorption and can reduce excretion of calcium excretion.

  • 4. Good for people with diabetes

A study has shown that type 1 diabetics who consume a high-fiber diet have blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics may increase blood sugar, lipids and insulin. With 1 medium size papaya, it provides about 4.7 grams of fiber.

  • 5. Preventing heart disease

The content of fiber, potassium and vitamins in papaya helps the body prevent heart disease. Increased potassium intake, which is done along with a decrease in sodium intake, is the most important dietary change, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The content of enzymes in papaya can also help prevent oxidation of cholesterol which can reduce cholesterol levels and help prevent symptoms of heart disease.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Papaya Hair Masks Make Healthy and Beautiful Hair Shiny

  • 6. Petrify the Digestive system

The benefits of this papaya are no doubt, if you have difficulty defecating, papaya is the solution. In papaya there is a digestive enzyme, papain, which is useful in aiding digestion. In addition, it can also be useful to soften meat. Papaya also contains fiber and high water content. Both nutrients are very good in preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements, so that the digestive tract is healthy.

  • 7. Prevent Macular Degeneration

The antioxidant eaxanthin compounds found in papaya filter the harmful blue light rays that are thought to be protective in eye health to counteract degeneration damage.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
The taste of this roasted papaya is sweet, tasty and unique

  • 8. Maintain eye health

Besides being packed with vitamin C, papaya is also rich in vitamin A and various types of flavonoids such as beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cyptoxanthin. All these important elements are able to keep the mucous membranes in the eye healthy. In addition, vitamin A is also very important in preventing macular degeneration.

  • 9. Speed ​​up wound healing

When papaya is used topically by pounding the fruit, it looks useful to promote wound healing and prevent infection of burned skin areas. Researchers believe that the proteolytic enzymes chymopapain and papain in papaya function like ointments. Ointments containing the enzyme papain have also been used to treat decubitus ulcers or bedsores.

  • 10. Prevention of Asthma

The risk of developing asthma, will be lower in people who consume high amounts of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is beta carotene, that is contained in papaya. As also found in the benefits of broccoli, the benefits of melon, pumpkin and carrot benefits.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Mango Papaya Glycerin Soap Bar

  • 11. Reduce Weight

Research experts show that in young papaya there are more enzymes than ripe papaya. Enzymes in papaya have an impact on the reduction of protein, carbohydrates and fat in the body. The metabolic system becomes more optimal and also makes burning fat into energy go well.

  • 12. Lower cholesterol

The fruit dubbed as the fruit of the angels by Christopher Columbus is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and various antioxidants that can prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels. As we all know, that cholesterol deposits can block the course of blood so that it triggers heart attacks and strokes.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Papaya halwa is a dessert menu from India

  • 13. Prevent arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the health problems that is quite painful for the sufferer. If you want to avoid it, then eat papaya which is also good for bones. The benefits of this papaya fruit are mediated by the presence of anti-inflammatory agents and vitamin C. As reported by the results of a study published in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, those who lack vitamin C are found 3 times more at risk of arthritis (arthritis).

  • 14. Relieve pain during menstruation

The benefit of the next papaya fruit is to relieve menstrual pain. For those of you who often experience severe cramps during menstruation, then be diligent in eating papaya fruit. Again, papain is a big service here because it can facilitate blood flow so the pain becomes less.

  • 15. Prevents premature aging

Eating papaya every day can make someone look 5 years younger than they should. The reason, besides being rich in vitamin C, papaya also contains vitamin E and various antioxidants (one of them is beta carotene) which protects the skin from the effects of free radicals. As a result, wrinkles and all the symptoms of premature aging will not dare to approach.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Unlike other pudding, this papaya pudding is added with sago.

  • 16. Stimulates hair growth

To benefit this papaya fruit, mediated by the content of vitamin A which is able to stimulate the formation of sebum, an important component to keep the hair soft, shiny and moist. You can even get rid of dandruff easily after applying papaya fruit on the scalp. Besides making it beautiful, the nutritional content in papaya also prevents hair loss and can stimulate hair growth.

  • 17. Prevent cancer

Rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and flavonoids making papaya can prevent body cells from being contaminated by free radicals. A study conducted at Harvard School found that the content of beta carotene in papaya is good for preventing prostate and colon cancer. Especially when served with green tea, the fruit rich in lycopene can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, according to research results published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

  • 18. Reduces stress

After working hard all day, then immediately refresh yourself by eating papaya fruit. Let the vitamin C load free the mind from stress. This has been scientifically tested when experts from the University of Alabama found that 200 mg of vitamin C is able to regulate the production of stress hormones on experimental objects. So if the benefits of papaya fruit are so great, what are you waiting for. Immediately make papaya fruit as one of the must-have daily meals.
Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
Papaya flowers contain vitamins A, B1, and C. No wonder, these flowers are healthy for consumption

Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Beauty

In addition to providing good effects on the health of body functions, there are several benefits of papaya fruit for beauty as follows:
  1. The flesh of the papaya that ferments, helps dissolve dead skin cells and gives the skin freshness and brightness. This can encourage open stopped up pores and avoid skin break out.
  2. Research shows that, young papaya produces enzymes that also stimulate breast growth. In addition, vitamin A content is abundant in young papaya, able to stimulate the ovaries to produce female hormones so that the glands and muscles around the breast become tight.

Potential Health Risks in Papaya Fruit

Papaya | Benefits For Better Life
This plant is very easy to be cultivated in various places in the world, such as tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Although the benefits of papaya odor are quite abundant, there are health risks to watch out for. Someone who is allergic to latex, may be allergic to papaya because papaya contains chitanases, which often cause a cross reaction to latex or food containing these substances

The intake of the whole diet or overall diet is the most important thing in preventing disease and achieving good health. Of course, consuming a variety of foods, it would be better than concentrating on certain types of food, as a balanced health key.